الطريق الى ضانا، ضانا، الطريق من ضانا

I've never camped alone. I’ve gone to a farm alone. I’ve never camped alone. I planned to go on to be alone with my jumbled thoughts. Will I always be so pensive, lost in my own thoughts? What is great about traveling alone is that you live on your own metronome. You can take a break when you want or move quickly when you want.

Some stories that happened during my trip. I visited Um Al Rasas on the way. I took a nap between the rocks on the top of a mountain overlooking 4 different rock formations. I got lost going down the mountain, so I had to run before it got too dark to find the trail. I slept right on top of an ant mound at night. The ants were huge. I had some tea with the locals, he told me where to visit next. I got a speed ticket on a Friday morning. I listened to Lupe Fiasco’s The Cool album. What a great album.

Here are some photos I took and worked on. Thank you photography, because without them I would have gone a bit crazy today. Thank you, Michael Kiwanuka, for your music during your edit.

Played around with the brush on lightroom. What are missing are my first self portraits I’ve taken. Not sure if I’m happy with them. I think it’s a good exercise if you give it some thought.


Seeking Solace in September


Cousin in Town